She created her community and became the light for her people.  

Her story began in Sudan in 2005, when she was seeking the truth and God. She found her faith, and in 2016, she moved to Egypt with three children. At that time, she was without a husband or money, and she had to support herself and her family.

Despite her circumstances, Amna obtained a university degree and started her own business. She used the 100 Egyptian pounds she had (about $3) to buy the tools she needed and began baking Sudanese bread. She then delivered the bread to people in the region.

In addition to her business, Amna also participated in a project sponsored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. This project provided her with 15,000 Egyptian pounds to help others. With the support of this project, she rented an office and organized a society to help women in need. She provided them with food, bread, and the opportunity to work.At that time, Amna and her children slept on the floor. But with the first money she earned, she managed to buy her son a small television.

During the pandemic, work stopped for four months, and it was difficult. However, the "Red Crescent" helped Amna by providing money, food and support to members of her community. Thus, she established a small society to help those who lost their breadwinner. With God's help and guidance, Amna's initiative has grown to include over 400 members who bake bread and distribute it throughout the region. Amna also opened a falafel restaurant where they serve food to the community, which is growing. People always come to her for help, and she believes that God will continue to help her.


Amna's advice to everyone is to be strong and find support within yourself! There will always be people who can help, but it's important to be a source of strength and positivity yourself.

Just a month ago (summer 2023), Amna moved to Canada, which has been a dream she's been working towards for several years. Now she's starting a new chapter in her life and history in a different country.
She has extraordinary persistence and a desire for the best. Helping others and yourself is the goal of every person in the world, according to Amna.